Saturday, May 8, 2010

It has been quite a while!

I am so sorry it has been so long since I have added anything to my blog. I am new at this, and I get very wrapped up in school work. I sometimes forget about the fun updates I could be putting on this. The end of the year is very fast approaching, but we have been keeping very busy learning lots of fun things. We just wrapped up out garden and life cycle unit. We learned all about earthworms and their habitat and created our own bulletin board. We also learned about life cycles of living things. We focused on insects and frogs. We again created our own pond with LOTS of green friends. I have some pictures that will be on their way soon to share the kid's wonderful hard work!

It has been such a fun time!

We are now finishing up our "INVENTORS" unit. We have been studying and focusing on two very important inventors to several generations all over the world, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison. We learned all kinds of facts about their inventions and lives. This week WE got to become inventors! The kids got to create and build their very own robot. Then they wrote about what their special robot was able to do. All the robots were very creative and interesting. I have so much fun reading their writing.

Keep on checking in. There will be much more to come!

Thanks for visiting!